Rabu, 14 Oktober 2009

Gambar cacing Tanah, Untuk obat penyakit Tifes/radang usus

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Gambar cacing Tanah

Cacing Tanah be fabricated for aliment and anesthetic tifes disease. Cacing tanah is the name frequently acclimated for the accumulation Oligochaeta, the chic and accountable subkelasnya discoverer of the phylum Annelida.Lumbricus earthworm breed has a collapsed shape. The cardinal of segments which accept about 90-195 and klitelum amid in segments 27-32. Usually this blazon of antagonism from added breed so that a abate body. But if the admeasurement of his anatomy could be aloft to bout or beat added types.Pheretima breed Cacing tanah articulation alcove 95-150 segment. Klitelumnya amid in articulation 14-16. Long-shaped anatomy and annular gilik purplish-red color. Cacing tanah which includes amid added Pheretima breed cacing merah, cacing koot and cacing kalung. Do you know? Now cacing tanah can for food.

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